Friday, December 17, 2010

Back in the Groove

I deleted most of 2009 because I had become immersed in the daily grind and it was boring. Then early this year, 2010, the wireless card in my computer stopped connecting. I got a device that works around that and had wireless again, but the computer just wasn't working like it should... To make a very long and frustrating story short; On memorial Day I decided to get a new computer. The salesman asked what I was currently using and why I was replacing it and I explained. He thought all the problems were minor and could be fixed so I began investing in my old computer including updating to windows 7 which necessitated installing more memory.

The computer was in and out of the shop as one thing after another failed, and it was on the shop more than on my desk. I fought it all summer.
In September it died. Each time I closed down and restarted it was slower and more things were wrong. It died. I took it to the shop. I HAD A VIRUS THAT KILLED IT. Only I didn't just have a virus. In extracting my files to put on a new computer they encountered and fixed 57 viruses!!!

So I had a new computer. Within a few days it started doing the same things as the old one. Sure enough their were viruses in the new one. While waiting for the tedious process of having them work though each and every file... some 50,000 or more... they found another 30 plus viruses. Now, I am a sceptic about the security and safety of my files so I had bought an external hard drive ( 640 MB) and had continuously kept my entire computer backed up. They also had to scan these files as well as several flash drives because the problems had to be coming from the files that were transferred. Computer shops use a special server that holds your files and scans them before transferring them but this one got around the system.

While they were working I was loaned a display model of A MUCH nicer computer than the one I bought. I fell in love with it and even after they had mine clean loaded and ready to go, I was nervous about the safety of using it. In the end these wonderful people worked some magic and I was able to keep the loaner instead. I took the files off my flash drives myself running them through my new topline security and then...

I plugged in the hard drive to load my books. My precious edited complete copies of my novels. Only the hard drive wouldn't work. I took it in. It began to work then stopped.

I still am waiting for the maker of the hard drive to recover the files they can and replace the drive. The store that sold it has been getting a run-around and now so am I.

I have bits and pieces of all my books but will have to restructure and compbine and edit them. I have decided to wait until after the first of the year to worry about this.

This is not the end of my computer woes. During the summer I was supposed to be a judge in 3 different major writing contests as I am a trained judge. I could not fulfill my promise to do that.

Now, my email has been hacked and spam went out to ALL my contacts including my business ones ( I am so embarrassed) such as editors and agents. I am sending each a personal apology but am distressed.

So that is the story of 2010 and why there have been no blogs until now. NO COMPUTER= NO BLOGS .