Tuesday, August 9, 2011


People ask how I keep busy when I have to stay in bed or at least lying back with my foot up. I am so busy it really doesn't occur to be to think about what I can do to not be bored. I am seldom if ever bored. Living in my brain is a Cirque d'Soleil all by itself.

The hardest thing for me this summer is not being able to get outside to garden. My husband and brother have been my minions to keep things growing well. I actually had them help me out to a chair last Sunday so I could sit and pull weeds! I am hoping it helped a little to get rid of my indoor pallor.
My days are filled to the brim with writing, editing, reading, thinking, and breaks for playing with writer friends on facebook. I also signed up for an online course to learn Photoshop. That keeps me pretty busy.

One thing I have learned is to keep notes right away on the weird quick thoughts I have. Many of my story ideas come from these.

My Toes are getting better. The left one remains painful and I can't wear a shoe on it. But the books are flowing and I am getting much done. If you haven't seen it yet, check out my web site at kathiHwriter.com.

Happy tales to all
kathi h

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